viernes, 15 de julio de 2011

Audiobooks Night Terrors

Audiobooks of ``Night Terrors``

To listen online or download

For Advanced Students of English.

Night Terrors

You live in a land of light and warmth for a third of your life, Another third is spent in the loving embrace of the darkness. But there is a THIRD Portion, seperate and distinct from the others, a land of shadow and mystery. A place where your wildest imaginings can become


An Anthology of Horror and Suspense


 Hello!!!! Today I am sharing " The Disney English World" 4 DVDs,

El MUNDO DE INGLES DE DISNEY es la mejor opción para el aprendizaje del idioma inglés para niños. Con asesores y profesores por teléfono desde Estados Unidos sin cargo alguno.

En la comodidad de su hogar y en la seguridad de la familia, el maravilloso y mágico Mundo de Inglés de Disney le garantiza el aprendizaje más ameno, con este curso de inglés para niños aprenderán a hablar en inglés, a escribir en inglés y a leer en inglés con los maestros más divertidos.

El futuro de sus hijos está en sus manos, bríndeles la oportunidad de ser hombres y mujeres de éxito. Es la mejor herencia que les puede dejar.
Dé a sus hijos juguetes y regalos, pero ante todo educación de calidad, ya que es para toda la vida y una excelente posibilidad de éxito.

¿Qué contiene?

12 DVD's
12 CD's
12 Manuales
12 Cuadernos de Ejercicios

DVD 1:

Parte 1 667.57 Mb
Parte 2 667.57 Mb
Parte 3 298.64 Mb

DVD 2:

Parte 1 700.00 Mb
Parte 2 700.00 Mb
Parte 3 469.69 Mb

DVD 3:

Parte 1 700.00 Mb
Parte 2 700.00 Mb
Parte 3 504.27 Mb

DVD 4:

Parte 1 700.00 Mb
Parte 2 700.00 Mb
Parte 3 513.90 Mb

PD: Los Archivos los subí con la extensión PDF, una vez descargados, cambiar la extensión a RAR
Los DVD´s vienen en Formato ISO, listo para Montar en unidad virtual, quemar en DVD ( Change the extension PDF for RAR... Mount it in a virtual disc and enjoy!!!)

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

Collocations - common word combinations such as 'bright idea' or 'talk freely' - are the essential building blocks of natural-sounding English. The dictionary contains over 150,000 collocations for nearly 9,000 headwords. The dictionary shows all the words that are commonly used in combination with each headword: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions as well as common phrases. The dictionary is based on the 100 million word British National Corpus. Internet searches were made to ensure the most up-to-date usage for fast changing areas of language such as computing. Over 50,000 examples show how the collocations are used in context, with grammar and register information where helpful. The clear page layout groups collocations according to part of speech and meaning, and helps users pinpoint speedily the headword, sense and collocation they need. Usage notes show collocations shared by sets of words such as languages and seasons. It is an ideal companion volume to the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.

jueves, 14 de julio de 2011

Mejora tu acento en el Inglés Americano

I got another tool, another English course for you!!!! Now that you speak English, speak it better.

Disco 1:
Disco 2:
Disco 3: 
Leave a comment if not you are going to speak like this....

Recursos para Traductores e Interpretes

Para que no caigas en esto

Descarga los últimos recursos para traductores e intérpretes; estos son los primeros archivos de la colección:

Essential -Idioms- in- English.pdf


Body language for Dummies

Body language speaks louder than any words you can ever utter. Whether you’re telling people that you love them, you’re angry with them, or don’t care less about them, your body movements reveal your thoughts, moods, and attitudes. Both consciously and sub-consciously your body tells observers what’s really going on with you.
In a competitive and complex world the ability to communicate with clarity, confidence, and credibility is vital for success. Too frequently this ability is overlooked. Sound reasoning, logical conclusions and innovative solutions are rendered meaningless if they are not communicated in a way that persuades, motivates, and inspires the listener.


Translation and Language: Linguistic Theories Explained(Translation Theories Explained)

Translation Studies and linguistics have been going through a love¬-hate relationship since the 1950s. This book assesses both sides of the relationship, tracing the very real contributions that linguists have made to translation studies and at the same time recognizing the limitations of many of their approaches..


Different aspects to consider related to Primary School Education

We often work hard to earn money and success throughout our life. However, mostly people fail to realize that wealth lies in education. An educated and enlightened person will always be considered wealthier than an illiterate one.

Education can help in poverty reduction and overall development of the nation. An educated generation can only take the country forward. The process of gaining knowledge starts from young age. Primary schools are considered perfect platforms from where a child can gather basic education.

When we talk about the perfect primary school education, we need to consider certain aspects of it.

This type of education platform will be considered really helpful when the child can gain insights into different subjects like languages, mathematics, cultural activities, social responsibilities and awareness about nature and so on. An ideal institution should provide efficient teachers or counselors who will provide education as per individual needs. When a young one is getting enrolled, he has lots of curiosity. So, it’s up to the teacher to answer their queries in an interesting and simple manner.

During early stage of primary education, stress should be given more on practical exposure than lengthy classroom sessions. Kids should be encouraged to explore and learn simple things. Institutions lacking in proper playground or extra curricular facilities and other resources can never be considered ideal for imparting basic level education.

When the student reaches higher level of primary schools, they are expected to learn more and work hard. Subjects become tougher and the school timing also increases. During this stage, more knowledgeable and skilled manpower is needed for teaching purposes.

As the saying goes that morning shows the day, students’ inclination during primary level will give some indication about their future growth. Thus the kid who shows interest in numbers and calculations during this stage can be encouraged to take up Science or Engineering subjects in future. Alternatively, those showing inclination in languages or art work can be inspired accordingly to take up Arts or related fields.

It is the responsibility of school teachers or counselors to interact closely with each student and try to understand his/her interests or negative points. They need to keep in close touch with parents as well and keep them informed about the child’s growth. In case the student is lacking in social skills, not showing interest to interact with other kids, then the teacher should take initiative to help him overcome such hesitations and shyness.

While parents and family members should play active role in shaping up kid’s future, maximum responsibility goes to the primary school teacher. The primary school being the child’s window to outside world, often a kid looks up to the teacher as a model figure. So, the counselor should guide the student accordingly.

The government and different NGOs should take maximum initiative to improve primary school education system in their country. Providing special grants or allowing education for free can really benefit under developed countries.

miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011

Grammar Cartoons

There are a lot of cartoons to learn grammar on different topics
- Adj order
- Adj adv
- Although
- Are there any
- As adj as
- Because of
- Bored boring
And many more
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